Archive for Our Tribe to Yours

from our tribe to yours in August

Well around here things are changing. Just like the seasons change, so life does also. Ever growing. We got some wonderful news this week that we are being blessed with another grandchild. Yahoo! Ministry is going well, there are enough hungry needy folks out there to keep us all busy for a long long time. […]

from our tribe to yours in July

Well around here things have been hot. Hot as in heat wave. A reminder from the Lord that we should never get too comfortable. Comfort leads to complacent, which then leads to a “I deserve better” attitude. And that soons leads to a “I know more than God” attitude. Then we start telling Him how […]

from our tribe to yours in May

Well here we are, as the weather heats up so does the schedule. We are approaching a very busy time of year for us. The garden is growing and already producing. The hay is ready for cutting. And the fields of God’s Harvest are ripening. What do you spend more time on, earthly things or […]

from our tribe to yours in April

Springtime is planting time. We have lots of planting going on around here. Not only the planting going on in our garden but the planting going on in His Kingdom. Are you planting? What kinds of seeds? Are you planting love, joy, hope, and faithfulness? Are you truly expecting a harvest? We are   😀

from our tribe to yours in March

Well, springtime is finally here. We have two new litters of kittens in the barn, the trees are blooming e have a colt due any day and a calf in the next couple weeks. Yes new life is abundant everywhere. The Lord gives us seasons on purpose, it is a display of His orderliness and […]

from our tribe to yours in February

Well my dear friends, it seems like springtime is standing at the starting gate waiting for it to open. We have so much coming up soon. June 22 and 23 we will be hosting David Hogan at our small local church The Well. Then in July Beau Barton will be here. We are already preparing […]