Well it is almost time for a new picture! And our dear grandbaby will be in this next one. What a joy it is to have another generation in the family. There are lots of changes going on around here, and lots happening here on the farm and wit Glorybound Ministries and at The Well. […]
I recently wrote the following article for a blog for mothers and wives. The more I wrote the more I contemplated how we speak of THE bridegroom. You know, whether we are male or female if we claim to be a believer HE is our husband. How do we speak of Him? Do we bless […]
We have some special guests coming up at the Well. I will send out announcements about these events as soon as we have all of the details set. Oct 27 Tuesday at 7 pm we will be having Skeet Savage. Skeet Savage is a veteran homeschooling mother of six (now all homeschool graduates), grandmother of […]
THE WELL thewelltn.com -is the site for our local church. The Well. Once again I am updating it. The Well is located in downtown Mt Pleasant TN. Check the site for more details, or give us a call at 931-379-9244. If you are hungry for more of Jesus and within driving distance then this is […]
Well this is how it has been. Radio Tues nights 910am 5:00 pm central Always live, always exciting! Live from Columbia TN. But things are changing. Our show will either continue at a yet undetermined time on the weekends or it will not continue at all. There have been changes at the radio station that […]