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Behind bars

Jim is constantly trying to work himself out of a job here as all preachers should be. 😀  You see the goal is not for us to hold their hands while they worship Jesus. Even though we are happy to. The goal is to teach them to worship God themselves. To find Him, to seek […]

August 2010 ~~~~~ Volume 13 Number 8

not backing down

We have seen our fair share of trials in this life. And they are usually timed right before God is about to so something mighty. I hadn’t heard much about David hogan lately. Most of us heard him back around “98 and ’99 when he preached that incredible series at Brownsville. Overnight he was the […]

Behind bars

Summer holidays usually lead to lots of fun and foolishness. Robert Pruitt used to always ask us, “have you ever looked up the meaning of the word fun?” Well yes I have it comes from the word, “fool.” God’s word tells us it is the fool who says there is no God. and I can […]

The Well

David Hogan from Freedom Ministries will be with us here at The Well in June, the dates are the 22 and 23 . I will be adding details and links for accommodations this week. THE WELL -is the site for our local church. The Well. As always I am updating it. The Well is […]