Archive for Needs and Prayer Requests

in closing, needs and prayer requests,

Well I guess the economic times have hit everyone, we are usually well supported at the end of the year even if not much during the year. This year has really been lacking, your prayers are greatly appreciated. Jesus is always faithful. We love you as always 🙂 Penny and Jim, and the rest of […]

in closing, needs and prayer requests,

Know that we love you and thank the Lord for you constantly. be blessed,    Penny, Jim, and the tribe

in closing, needs and prayer requests,

We have so much going on right now and lots of changes. We are truly blessed to know you are supporting what the Lord is doing here! We love you! be blessed,    Penny, Jim, and the tribe

in closing, needs and prayer requests,

We have so much going on right now and lots of changes. We are truly blessed to know you are supporting what the Lord is doing here! We love you! be blessed,    Penny, Jim, and the tribe

in closing, needs and prayer requests,

God is good  and we love you. We are so grateful for all of you and your continued support. be blessed,    Penny, Jim, and the tribe

in closing, needs and prayer requests,

God is good  🙂 and we love you . be blessed,    Penny, Jim, and the tribe