The Well


-is the site for our local church. The Well. Many years ago the Lord told us to work the fields and then build the barns. 

“Finish your outdoor work
       and get your fields ready;
       after that, build your house.”     Proverbs 24:27

After evangelistic ministry for many years, “working the fields” He lead us to build the barn, (the church). The Well exists to disciple those who come to Christ through the efforts of everything else we do.What is the most important thing we teach them? Worship. Through worship you hear HIS voice. Then evrything else falls into place.  
     The Well is located in downtown Mt Pleasant TN. Check the site for more details, or give us a call at 931-379-9244. If you are hungry for more of Jesus and within driving distance then this is the place to be! We meet Thursdays at 7 pm and Sundays at 3. 
I Have recordings that have been uploaded to the site and more I am adding more all the time.  Check
I am in the process of changing the “happenings” page and making it like a blog where you can leave comments, please excuse the mess while I change over.   
I have been posting some of the thursday night happenings as they happen.

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